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Ежедневный заработок в интернете

Data: 04-04-2022 | De: Michaeltaf

Donating Crypto to Ukraine

Data: 29-03-2022 | De: waspBlawlitty

[b]Support Ukrainian Army[/b]
Special fundraising account at the National Bank of Ukraine to support the Armed Forces.

Come Back Alive: a Ukraine-based NGO, which helps Ukraine’s Armed Forces via technical assistance, supplying armor and medical equipment — donate (including Bitcoin).

Crypto Wallets supporting the National Police, the National Guard, the State Border Guard Service and the State Emergency Service of Ukraine:

[b]Ethereum[/b] — 0x32b8b6fc046314dff1f3b1ee6daf1e46b762094d
[b]Bitcoin[/b] — bc1qqt5qphz68wy5a0v46tp5uc9ulkuqvw56n3enlp

[b]Crypto wallets supporting Ukrainian Armed Forces: [/b]

[b]BTC[/b] — 15NpjeA6W9h1jvrM3piZZFDoxuSeGeamKK
[b]ETH and USDT (erc20)[/b] — 0x32b8b6fc046314dff1f3b1ee6daf1e46b762094d

Old Man's Perspective

Data: 28-03-2022 | De: JanetikLency

Each generation considers itself completely different from the previous one, but in the end is almost the same.
If I look at my life, I see that I have been wrong many times.
It will be the same with you at my age. Live and make mistakes. This is the meaning of existence.
Don't think you can be perfect - that's not possible.
Temper yourself, your character, so that when the test comes, you can meet him like a real man.
Do not allow yourself to be fooled by obvious facts and loud phrases.
Travel around the world, get to know the world, get to know people, do something that develops you, fall in love, do audacity, but do it with enthusiasm.
The most important thing is to live your life brightly.
Perhaps there is more than one life waiting for you. But to get them, you need to spend this life entirely. Take everything you can from life.
Beware of a sad fate.

Пророчество ученые нашли на Сибире

Data: 28-03-2022 | De: Rusbrete

Известным пророком был написан текст секретного давнего пророчества касательно РФ. В письменах сказано что государство Россия поджидает 3 войны, войны будут трудные для народа. В двух из трех войнах Российское государство станет победителем. Российское государство получит большое величие, но через почти 100 лет после последней победы Русское государство разделится на более чем 10 частей. Правитель крупнейшей страны не сможет это принять и по прошествии 20 лет находясь на престоле, будет планировать идеи о воссоединении стран. Это будет провалом для большой страны. В самом начале он поработит морское пространство и отметит это значащей победой, через десятилетие он вознамериться расширить территорию на суше. Это решение даст им только большое количество смертей, сыны большой державы будут гибнуть на чужой земле, а для других стран Русское государство станет проказой которую нужно изолировать. Только гибель князя спасти страну. Выбор за людьми!!

Financial robot is the best companion of rich people.

Data: 28-03-2022 | De: Henrydet

Need cash? Launch this robot and see what it can.
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Start your online work using the financial Robot.

Data: 26-03-2022 | De: Henrydet

It is the best time to launch the Robot to get more money.
Telegram - @Crypto2022toolbot

Test, just a test

Data: 23-03-2022 | De: Anthonyadjug

Trump's pressure on investigators prompted Rep.

Zoe Lofgren, who sits on the House committee probing the insurrection, to warn that the ex-President had issued a "call to arms."
"Calling out for demonstrations if, you know, anything adverse, legally, happens to him, is pretty extraordinary. And I think it's important to think through what message is being sent," the California Democrat told CNN's Pamela Brown on Sunday.
In yet another sign of Trump's incessantly consuming inability to accept his election loss, he issued a statement that same evening slamming former Vice President Mike Pence for refusing his demands to overturn the result of the democratic election in 2020, and falsely claimed that the then-vice president had the power to do so.


Data: 22-03-2022 | De: JasmineAwaix

Test, just a test

Data: 21-03-2022 | De: Anthonyadjug

Trump's pressure on investigators prompted Rep.

Zoe Lofgren, who sits on the House committee probing the insurrection, to warn that the ex-President had issued a "call to arms."
"Calling out for demonstrations if, you know, anything adverse, legally, happens to him, is pretty extraordinary. And I think it's important to think through what message is being sent," the California Democrat told CNN's Pamela Brown on Sunday.
In yet another sign of Trump's incessantly consuming inability to accept his election loss, he issued a statement that same evening slamming former Vice President Mike Pence for refusing his demands to overturn the result of the democratic election in 2020, and falsely claimed that the then-vice president had the power to do so.

Печати и штампы

Data: 15-03-2022 | De: Печати

Изготовление печатей и штампов в короткие сроки

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